Status pane of S60 Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The status pane consistes of five sub-panes. If changing the theme, the influence is following:
  1. Background bitmap for the entire pane can be changed
  2. Signal pane: Foreground color and the bitmap can be changed
  3. Battery pane: Foreground color and the bitmap can be changed
  4. Context pane: The bitmap (that is, application icon) can be changed
  5. Title pane: Foreground color can be changed
  6. Universal Indicator pane: Foreground color can be changed
  7. Navi pane: Foreground color can be changed

wallpaper for the shortkey of vim movement commands Friday, October 22, 2010

Please get it from the bellowing link

There's a screenshot

android gallery from google Friday, October 8, 2010

Google introduces online gallery of Android phones. This gallery lists the Android phones from HTC, LG, Motorola and Samsung at present.
You can review the phones sorted by “newest”  or “Alphabetical”. And you can add up to three phones for a side-by-side comparison.

So it’s very useful to make you get newest information about Android phone and be  helpful  for you to make a decision to buy one of them.

The bellowing is a screenshot

vim command handbook Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Vim is one of the gread editors. There's a mindmap of vim commans, the bellowing is a screenshot.

You can download the pdf version from here

from Joe Martinez

Open terminal in any opened folder from File Browser on ubuntu Monday, September 20, 2010

  1. System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager
  2. Search for "nautilus-open-terminal"
  3. Mark it for installation then click Apply.
  4. Open a new file browser and right click a folder. You should see "Open in Terminal".
  5. If you do not then log off and log in again.
PS: You can use the bellowing command to install nautilus-open-terminal

$ sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal 

(picture from

Text Telephony Architecture based upon CTM Friday, August 27, 2010

This arch. digram is from 3GPP TS 26.226 V5.0.0.

there's a like to the standard.

Based on this digram, you can understand TTY device and mobile phone very well, specially for CTM.

There's a generic icon for TTY

Handbook for liunx comman line Friday, May 7, 2010

Here's a very nice site,
You can search your desired command.

Mediawiki支持中文搜索 Thursday, April 22, 2010


1> Mediawiki 1.15.1
2> XAMMP Lite 1.7.2

How to call the Subtotal function by VBA in excel Friday, April 9, 2010

How to call the Subtotal function by VBA in excel

If a formula on the active sheet, then perhaps like this:

    With Worksheets("统计")
        Range("A3").Formula = _
        "=Subtotal(109, " & .Range("A4", .Cells(LastRow, "A")).Address(, , , True) & ")"
    End WithIf a result, then
    With Worksheets("统计")
        Range("A3").Value = _
        Application.WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(109, .Range("A4", .Cells(LastRow, "A")))
    End With Wednesday, April 7, 2010

This site has been blocked in my company

Recommend a website to listen to music online. The link is is a mashup of Pandora, Twitter.  The screenshot of home page is belowing

It's very very nice. PLs enjoy it.

[FW]Static diagram of OpenCORE Player Engine Tuesday, April 6, 2010


How to transform your hoodie into a computer sleeve Wednesday, March 31, 2010

More info Pls refer to this link

Opencore and OMX core/component interaction;a=blob_plain;f=doc/openmax_call_sequences.pdf

It's from PacketVideo. It's very useful and powerful.

我喜欢的iPhone应用---遥控器 Monday, March 29, 2010

由NewKinetix出品,名为Re universal remote IR dongle的应用包括软硬件两个部分。硬件部分就是图中连接到phone底部的那个小扩展,软件的UI在图中也可以看到。

硬件东东需要69.95刀,软件可以在app store免费下载,想去看看请点击



A new template to embed python sctipt in ms-dos script Thursday, March 25, 2010

@echo off
rem = """-*-Python-*- script
rem -------------------- DOS section --------------------
rem You could set PYTHONPATH or TK environment variables here
python -x %~f0 %*
goto exit

# -------------------- Python section --------------------
import sys

print sys.argv[0]

DosExitLabel = """
rem """

Bellagio OpenMAX Integration Layer Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bellagio is an opensource implementation of the Khronos OpenMAX Integration Layer API to access multimedia components.

You can take it as a demo to investigate OMX IL.

The link is belowing

List header files of OpenMAX IL(v.1.1.2) Tuesday, March 23, 2010


• OMX_Types.h: Data types used in the OpenMAX IL

• OMX_Core.h: OpenMAX IL core API

• OMX_Component.h: OpenMAX IL component API

• OMX_Audio.h: OpenMAX IL audio domain data structures

• OMX_IVCommon.h: OpenMAX IL structures common to image and video domains

• OMX_Video.h: OpenMAX IL video domain data structures

• OMX_Image.h: OpenMAX IL image domain data structures

• OMX_Other.h: OpenMAX IL other domain data structures (includes A/V synchronization)

• OMX_Index.h: Index of all OpenMAX IL-defined data structures

• OMX_ContentPipe.h: Content pipe definition

好工具共享 Thursday, March 11, 2010

Convert Word document to MediaWiki markup

The release notes of the tool said it supports Word2000,2003. I used it on Word 2007. It works fine.

Step by Step to install

  1. Download the tool at the like belowing
  2. The tool is  a set of Word Visual Basic macros so you must import these marco by following instruction at
Another advantage:  You can create a table with MediaWiki markup via this tool

iPod touch小孩最爱?andorid手机男人的标志? Tuesday, March 9, 2010

AdMod在2010年1月公布了一份调查报告。这份报告的数据来自963个手机用户,其中:318 Android, 244 iPhone, 356 iPod touch 以及 45 webOS。所有被调查者都是通过手机完成调查的,而不是使用他们的pc完成调查。


从月均应用下载量的统计结果看很明显可以看出iPod touch的用户比较喜欢免费软件。还可以看出相对其它用户,iPhone用户仿佛更愿意购买软件,但是实际上好像并非如此。Distimo公司曾经提供数据说Android的免费软件要比iPhone上的多得多,Android 57%而iPhone为25%,由此可见Android用户更愿意为喜欢的软件付费,也许都是不差钱的人在用Android。

iPod touch小孩最爱

iPod touch大约有65%的用户都是17岁以下的。那些针对孩子的应用是不是要考虑porting到这个平台上?



Mobile App stores Friday, March 5, 2010

From Distimo

[FW] 人生就是一个接一个的杯具 Friday, February 26, 2010



CTextResolver把错误码转换为错误描述 Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Here's a demo. FYI

TInt err = xxx //error code
iErrRe = CTextResolver::NewL(); 
TInt resourceID = 0;
TUint flags = 0;
TPtrC errstr = iErrRe ->ResolveErrorString(err,resourceID,flags,Context);
if ( !(flags & ETextResolverBlankErrorFlag) )
//handle error string 




先在网上体验一下motoblur Tuesday, February 2, 2010

1〉 什么是motoblur?

Motoblur is a user interface developed over Android by Motorola for Motorola's mobile phones.[1][2] Motoblur is a widget based system which combines various social networking portals such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter all in one place without the need of logging into each service separately.




SonyEricsson新产品-vivaz Wednesday, January 27, 2010


‧640 X 480分辨率的TV-out
‧3.2寸640 X 360屏幕


AdMob认为Apple, Nokia主导世界手机市场 Monday, January 25, 2010

1〉09年,智能手机只占到了手机总数的19% (发展空间巨大阿)
2〉Symbian OS在亚洲和非洲市场处于主导地位;在东欧和拉丁美洲占据较大的市场份额
3〉iPhone OS占据了北美、澳大利亚、西欧以及大西洋周边地区
4〉Android 在北美和西欧市场有显著增长
5〉2009年Q4全球智能手机os市场,iPhone 51%,Symbian 21%,Android 16%(注意:2008年Q4仅为1%)
6〉2009年Q4亚洲智能手机os市场,Symbian 69%, iPhone 27%


Read out EXIF via Python Thursday, January 14, 2010

My requirement is to extract a thumbnail in exif section in a jpeg file.

I have tried exiftool( is based on perl,this tool is very powerful and so it's also very very complex.I just want to extract the thumbnail!

After inverstaging, I think the library,, is prefer.

I followed the belowing to install the package.
1. download library at
2. extract it
3. I copied to Lib folder

Now I'll extact thumbnail. the belowing is a demo.

import EXIF
# extract thumbnail in Exif and save it
f = open("c:\\p2.jpg",'rb')
tags = EXIF.process_file(f)
# save the thumbnail into a jpg format file
f = open("c:\\a.jpg",'wb')

how to create a global singleton object in exe Monday, January 11, 2010

// how to create a global singleton object
const TInt KMarkTlsHandle = 0xC0FFEE;

class CYourClass: public CBase
void ConstructL(){};


//release TLS

//how to create a global singleton object
void CMarkEComWrapper::DoCommandCreateSingletonObject()
TInt err = KErrNone;

//Get object from STL
CYourClass* iSingletonObject = static_cast (UserSvr::DllTls(KMarkTlsHandle));

//if not, create one
if (!iSingletonObject)
iSingletonObject = new (ELeave) CYourClass;
err = UserSvr::DllSetTls( KMarkTlsHandle, iSingletonObject );

delete iSingletonObject ;

iSingletonObject = 0;

List all drivers via DOS command

Command:  fsutil fsinfo drives

Detailed descriptions belowing:

Options for fsutil

  • behavior 控制文件系统行为
  • dirty 管理卷的被损坏的位数
  • file 文件特定命令
  • fsinfo 文件系统信息
  • hardlink 硬链接管理
  • objectid 对象 ID 管理
  • quota 配额管理
  • reparsepoint 重分析点管理
  • sparse 稀疏文件控制
  • usn USN 管理
  • volume 卷管理

options for FSINFO

  • drives 列出所有驱动器
  • drivetype 查询一个驱动器的驱动器类型
  • volumeinfo 查询卷信息
  • ntfsinfo 查询 NTFS 特定卷信息
  • statistics 查询文件系统统计