<1> 模式,M=手动,A=自动
<2> 定位类型,1=没有定位,2=2D定位,3=3D定位
<3> PRN码(伪随机噪声码),正在用于解算位置的卫星号(01~32,前面的0也将被传输)。
<4> PDOP位置精度因子(0.5~99.9)
<5> HDOP水平精度因子(0.5~99.9)
<6> VDOP垂直精度因子(0.5~99.9)
<1> GSV语句的总数
<2> 本句GSV的编号
<3> 可见卫星的总数(00~12,前面的0也将被传输)
<4> PRN码(伪随机噪声码)(01~32,前面的0也将被传输)
<5> 卫星仰角(00~90度,前面的0也将被传输)
<6> 卫星方位角(000~359度,前面的0也将被传输)
<7> 信噪比(00~99dB,没有跟踪到卫星时为空,前面的0也将被传输)
<1> UTC时间,hhmmss(时分秒)格式
<2> 定位状态,A=有效定位,V=无效定位
<3> 纬度ddmm.mmmm(度分)格式(前面的0也将被传输)
<4> 纬度半球N(北半球)或S(南半球)
<5> 经度dddmm.mmmm(度分)格式(前面的0也将被传输)
<6> 经度半球E(东经)或W(西经)
<7> 地面速率(000.0~999.9节,前面的0也将被传输)
<8> 地面航向(000.0~359.9度,以真北为参考基准,前面的0也将被传输)
<9> UTC日期,ddmmyy(日月年)格式
<10> 磁偏角(000.0~180.0度,前面的0也将被传输)
<11> 磁偏角方向,E(东)或W(西)
<12> 模式指示(仅NMEA0183 3.00版本输出,A=自主定位,D=差分,E=估算,N=数据无效)
<1> 以真北为参考基准的地面航向(000~359度,前面的0也将被传输)
<2> 以磁北为参考基准的地面航向(000~359度,前面的0也将被传输)
<3> 地面速率(000.0~999.9节,前面的0也将被传输)
<4> 地面速率(0000.0~1851.8公里/小时,前面的0也将被传输)
<5> 模式指示(仅NMEA0183 3.00版本输出,A=自主定位,D=差分,E=估算,N=数据无效)
<1> 纬度ddmm.mmmm(度分)格式(前面的0也将被传输)
<2> 纬度半球N(北半球)或S(南半球)
<3> 经度dddmm.mmmm(度分)格式(前面的0也将被传输)
<4> 经度半球E(东经)或W(西经)
<5> UTC时间,hhmmss(时分秒)格式
<6> 定位状态,A=有效定位,V=无效定位
<7> 模式指示(仅NMEA0183 3.00版本输出,A=自主定位,D=差分,E=估算,N=数据无效)
Posted by Unknown at 1:10 PM 0 comments
- wlan的物理特性
- wlan的好处
安装便捷:一般在网络建设当中,施工周期最长、对周边环境影响最大的就是网络布线的施工了。在施工过程时,往往需要破墙掘地、穿线架管。而WLAN最大的优势就是免去或减少了这部分繁杂的网络布线的工作量,一般只要在安放一个或多个接入点(Access Point)设备就可建立覆盖整个建筑或地区的局域网络。
- wlan的危害
- wlan的前景
Posted by Unknown at 12:59 PM 0 comments
[FW] Philips RC-5 Protocol
The RC-5 code from Philips is possibly the most used protocol by hobbyists, probably because of the wide availability of cheap remote controls.
The protocol is well defined for different device types ensuring compatibility with your whole entertainment system. Lately Philips started using a new protocol called RC-6 which has more features.
- 5 bit address and 6 bit command length (7 command bits for RC5X)
- Bi-phase coding (aka Manchester coding)
- Carrier frequency of 36kHz
- Constant bit time of 1.778ms (64 cycles of 36 kHz)
- Manufacturer Philips
The protocol uses bi-phase modulation (or so-called Manchester coding) of a 36kHz IR carrier frequency. All bits are of equal length of 1.778ms in this protocol, with half of the bit time filled with a burst of the 36kHz carrier and the other half being idle. A logical zero is represented by a burst in the first half of the bit time. A logical one is represented by a burst in the second half of the bit time. The pulse/pause ratio of the 36kHz carrier frequency is 1/3 or 1/4 which reduces power consumption.
The drawing below shows a typical pulse train of an RC-5 message. This example transmits command $35 to address $05.
The first two pulses are the start pulses, and are both logical "1". Please note that half a bit time is elapsed before the receiver will notice the real start of the message.
Extended RC-5 uses only one start bit. Bit S2 is transformed to command bit 6, providing for a total of 7 command bits. The value of S2 must be inverted to get the 7th command bit though!
The 3rd bit is a toggle bit. This bit is inverted every time a key is released and pressed again. This way the receiver can distinguish between a key that remains down, or is pressed repeatedly.
The next 5 bits represent the IR device address, which is sent with MSB first. The address is followed by a 6 bit command, again sent with MSB first.
A message consists of a total of 14 bits, which adds up to a total duration of 25 ms. Sometimes a message may appear to be shorter because the first half of the start bit S1 remains idle. And if the last bit of the message is a logic "0" the last half bit of the message is idle too.
As long as a key remains down the message will be repeated every 114ms. The toggle bit will retain the same logical level during all of these repeated messages. It is up to the receiver software to interpret this auto repeat feature.
PS: I had rather a big error on this page for quite some time. For some mysterious reason the LSB and MSB of the address and command were reversed. I can recall correcting this error before, but somehow an old version of the description must have sneaked its way up to the internet again.
Pre-defined Commands:
Philips has created a beautiful list of "standardized" commands. This ensures the compatibility between devices from the same brand.
A very nice feature, often to be missed with other brands, is the fact that most devices are available twice in the table allowing you to have 2 VCRs stacked on top of each other without having trouble addressing only one of them with your remote control.
I can only show a limited list of standard commands, for this list is about all I know right now.
| |
Posted by Unknown at 12:55 PM 0 comments
[FW] Philips RC-6 Protocol
RC-6 is, as may be expected, the successor of the RC-5 protocol. Like RC-5 the new RC-6 protocol was also defined by Philips. It is a very versatile and well defined protocol. Because of this versatility its original definition is many pages long. Here on my page I will only summarize the most important properties of this protocol.
- Different modes of operation, depending on the intended use
- Dedicated Philips modes and OEM modes
- Variable command length, depending on the operation mode
- Bi-phase coding (aka Manchester coding)
- Carrier frequency of 36kHz
- Manufacturer Philips
RC-6 signals are modulated on a 36 kHz Infra Red carrier. The duty cycle of this carrier has to be between 25% and 50%.
Data is modulated using Manchester coding. This means that each bit (or symbol) will have both a mark and space in the output signal. If the symbol is a "1" the first half of the bit time is a mark and the second half is a space. If the symbol is a "0" the first half of the bit time is a space and the second half is a mark.
Please note that this is the opposite of the RC-5 protocol!
The main timing unit is 1t, which is 16 times the carrier period (1/36k * 16 = 444µs).
With RC-6 a total of 5 different symbols are defined:
The leader pulse, which has a mark time of 6t (2.666ms) and a space time of 2t (0.889ms). This leader pulse is normally used to set the gain of the IR receiver unit.
Normal bits, which have a mark time of 1t (0.444ms) and space time of 1t (0.444ms). A "0" and "1" are encoded by the position of the mark and space in the bit time.
Trailer bits, which have a mark time of 2t (0.889ms) and a space time of 2t (0.889ms). Again a "0" and "1" are encoded by the position of the mark and space in the bit time.
RC-6 Mode 0
I can only describe operation mode 0 because I have never actually seen other modes in use than the one my Philips TV understands. The way I understand it the other modes can vary extremely from mode 0.
Mode 0 is a dedicated Philips Consumer Electronics mode. It allows control of up to 256 independent devices, with a total of 256 commands per device.
The Header field consists of 3 different components.
- First the leader symbol LS is transmitted. Its purpose is to adjust the gain of the IR receiving unit.
- This leader symbol is followed by a start bit SB which always has the value "1". Its purpose is to calibrate the receiver's timing.
- The mode bits mb2 ... mb0 determine the mode, which is 0 in this case, thus all three bits will be "0".
- Finally the header is terminated by the trailer bit TR. Please note that the bit time of this symbol is twice as long as normal bits! This bit also serves as the traditional toggle bit, which will be inverted whenever a key is released. This allows the receiver to distinguish between a new key or a repeated key.
This field holds 8 bits which are used as address byte. This means that a total of 256 different devices can be controlled using mode 0 of RC-6.
The msb is transmitted first.
Information Field
The information field holds 8 bits which are used as command byte. This means that each device can have up to 256 different commands.
The msb is transmitted first.
Signal Free Time
The Signal Free time is a period in which no data may be transmitted (by any device). It is important for the receiver to detect the signal free time at the end of a message to avoid incorrect reception.
The signal free time is set to 6t, which is 2.666ms.
Posted by Unknown at 12:47 PM 0 comments
[FW] Philips RC-MM Protocol
RC-MM was defined by Philips to be a multi-media IR protocol to be used in wireless keyboards, mice and game pads. For these purposes the commands had to be short and have low power requirements.
Whether the protocol is actually used for these purposes today is unknown to me. What I do know is that some Nokia digital satellite receivers use the protocol (9800 series).
- 12 bits or 24 bits per message
- Pulse position coding, sending 2 bits per IR pulse
- Carrier frequency of 36kHz
- Message time ranges from 3.5 to 6.5 ms, depending on data content
- Repetition time 28 ms (36 messages per second)
- Manufacturer Philips
The signal free time is the time in which no signal may be sent to avoid confusion with foreign protocols on the receiver's side. Philips recommends 1 ms for normal use, or 3.36 ms when used together with RC-5 and RC-6 signals. Since you can never tell whether a user has other remote controls in use together with an RC-MM controlled device I would recommend always to use a signal free time of 3.36 ms.
The frame time is the sum of the message time and the signal free time, which can add up to just about 10 ms per message.
Finally the repetition time is the recommended repetition time of 27.778 ms, which allows 36 messages per second. This is only a recommendation and is mainly introduced to allow other devices to send their commands during the dead times.
No provision is made for data collisions between two or more remote controls! This means that there is no guarantee that the messages get across.
With this protocol a 36 kHz carrier frequency is used to transmit the pulses. This helps to increase the noise immunity at the receiver side and at the same time it reduces power dissipated by the transmitter LED. The duty cycle of the pulses is 1:3 or 1:4.
Each message is preceded by a header pulse with the duration of 416.7 µs (15 pulses of the carrier), followed by a space of 277.8 µs (10 periods of the carrier). This header is followed by 12 or 24 bits of data.
By changing the distance between the pulses two bits of data are encoded per pulse. Below you find a table with the encoding times.
Data | Mark | Space |
0 0 | 166.7 µs (6 cycles) | 277.8 µs (10 cycles) |
0 1 | 166.7 µs (6 cycles) | 444.4 µs (16 cycles) |
1 0 | 166.7 µs (6 cycles) | 611.1 µs (22 cycles) |
1 1 | 166.7 µs (6 cycles) | 777.8 µs (28 cycles) |
Protocol |
The 12 bit mode is the basic mode, and allows for 2 address bits and 8 data bits per device family. There are 3 different device families defined: keyboard, mouse and game pad.
Mode bits | Device Type |
0 0 | Extended mode |
0 1 | Mouse mode |
1 0 | Keyboard mode |
1 1 | Game pad mode |
Mode bits | Device Type |
0 0 0 0 | OEM mode |
0 0 0 1 | Extended Mouse mode |
0 0 1 0 | Extended Keyboard mode |
0 0 1 1 | Extended Game pad mode |
Finally the last 12 bits are the actual pay load data.
Posted by Unknown at 11:40 AM 0 comments
[FW] NEC Protocol
To my knowledge the protocol I describe here was developed by NEC. I've seen very similar protocol descriptions on the internet, and there the protocol is called Japanese Format.
I do admit that I don't know exactly who developed it. What I do know is that it is used in my late VCR produced by Sanyo and was marketed under the name of Fisher. NEC manufactured the remote control IC.
This description was taken from the VCR's service manual. Those were the days, when service manuals were fulled with useful information!
- 8 bit address and 8 bit command length
- Address and command are transmitted twice for reliability
- Pulse distance modulation
- Carrier frequency of 38kHz
- Bit time of 1.12ms or 2.25ms
The picture above shows a typical pulse train of the NEC protocol. With this protocol the LSB is transmitted first. In this case Address $59 and Command $16 is transmitted. A message is started by a 9ms AGC burst, which was used to set the gain of the earlier IR receivers. This AGC burst is then followed by a 4.5ms space, which is then followed by the Address and Command. Address and Command are transmitted twice. The second time all bits are inverted and can be used for verification of the received message. The total transmission time is constant because every bit is repeated with its inverted length. If you're not interested in this reliability you can ignore the inverted values, or you can expand the Address and Command to 16 bits each!
A command is transmitted only once, even when the key on the remote control remains pressed. Every 110ms a repeat code is transmitted for as long as the key remains down. This repeat code is simply a 9ms AGC pulse followed by a 2.25ms space and a 560µs burst.
Example Commands
The table below lists the messages sent by the remote control of my late Fisher 530 VCR (it served us well during its 20 years long life).
NEC Message | Key Function |
$68-$00 | Play |
$68-$01 | Rec |
$68-$02 | Audio Dub |
$68-$03 | Frame Adv |
$68-$04 | Slow |
$68-$05 | Quick |
$68-$06 | Cue |
$68-$07 | Review |
$68-$08 | FF |
$68-$09 | Rew |
$68-$0A | Stop |
$68-$0B | Pause/Still |
$68-$0C | Up key |
$68-$1E | Down key |
Posted by Unknown at 11:34 AM 0 comments
什么是aspect ratio
今天本来打算写写关于屏幕高宽比的话题,但是我一个朋友发了个连接,觉得图文并茂,写得不错。不仅很好地说明了aspect ratio而且还可以帮助大家更好地欣赏电影。
Posted by Unknown at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Media
SAX 在读取 XML 流的同时处理它们,这很像以前的自动收报机纸带(ticker tape)。请考虑下面的 XML 代码片断:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
分析这个代码片断的 SAX 处理器一般情况下将产生以下事件:
Start document
Start element (samples)
Characters (white space)
Start element (server)
Characters (UNIX)
End element (server)
Characters (white space)
Start element (monitor)
Characters (color)
End element (monitor)
Characters (white space)
End element (samples)
SAX API 允许开发人员捕捉这些事件并对它们作出反应。
SAX 处理涉及以下步骤:
2.创建 SAX 解析器。
这种处理的优点非常类似于流媒体的优点。分析能够立即开始,而不是等待所有的数据被处理。而且,由于应用程序只是在读取数据时检查数据,因此不需要将数据存储在内存中。这对于大型文档来说是个巨大的优点。事实上,应用程序甚至不必解析整个文档;它可以在某个条件得到满足时停止解析。一般来说,SAX 还比它的替代者 DOM 快许多。
另一方面,由于应用程序没有以任何方式存储数据,使用 SAX 来更改数据或在数据流中往后移是不可能的。
DOM 和基于树的处理
DOM 是处理 XML 数据的传统方法。使用 DOM 时,数据以树状结构的形式被加载到内存中。
例如,在“SAX 处理是如何工作的”中用作例子的相同文档在 DOM 中将表示为节点,DOM 使用父子关系。
DOM 以及广义的基于树的处理具有几个优点。首先,由于树在内存中是持久的,因此可以修改它以便应用程序能对数据和结构作出更改。它还可以在任何时候在树中上下导航,而不是像 SAX 那样是一次性的处理。DOM 使用起来也要简单得多。
另一方面,在内存中构造这样的树涉及大量的开销。大型文件完全占用系统内存容量的情况并不鲜见。此外,创建一棵 DOM 树可能是一个缓慢的过程。
如何在 SAX 和 DOM 之间选择
选择 DOM 还是选择 SAX,这取决于下面几个因素:
1.应用程序的目的:如果打算对数据作出更改并将它输出为 XML,那么在大多数情况下,DOM 是适当的选择。并不是说使用 SAX 就不能更改数据,但是该过程要复杂得多,因为您必须对数据的一份拷贝而不是对数据本身作出更改。
2.数据容量: 对于大型文件,SAX 是更好的选择。
数据将如何使用:如果只有数据中的少量部分会被使用,那么使用 SAX 来将该部分数据提取到应用程序中可能更好。 另一方面,如果您知道自己以后会回头引用已处理过的大量信息,那么 SAX 也许不是恰当的选择。
3.对速度的需要: SAX 实现通常要比 DOM 实现更快。
SAX 和 DOM 不是相互排斥的,记住这点很重要。您可以使用 DOM 来创建 SAX 事件流,也可以使用 SAX 来创建 DOM 树。事实上,用于创建 DOM 树的大多数解析器实际上都使用 SAX 来完成这个任务!
Posted by Unknown at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Labels: XML
Usage: C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe [switches] [--] [programfile] [arguments]
-0[octal] specify record separator (\0, if no argument)
-a autosplit mode with -n or -p (splits $_ into @F)
-C enable native wide character system interfaces
-c check syntax only (runs BEGIN and CHECK blocks)
-d[:debugger] run program under debugger
-D[number/list] set debugging flags (argument is a bit mask or alphabets)
-e 'command' one line of program (several -e's allowed, omit programfile)
-F/pattern/ split() pattern for -a switch (//'s are optional)
-i[extension] edit <> files in place (makes backup if extension supplied)
-Idirectory specify @INC/#include directory (several -I's allowed)
-l[octal] enable line ending processing, specifies line terminator
-[mM][-]module execute `use/no module...' before executing program
-n assume 'while (<>) { ... }' loop around program
-p assume loop like -n but print line also, like sed
-P run program through C preprocessor before compilation
-s enable rudimentary parsing for switches after programfile
-S look for programfile using PATH environment variable
-T enable tainting checks
-u dump core after parsing program
-U allow unsafe operations
-v print version, subversion (includes VERY IMPORTANT perl info)
-V[:variable] print configuration summary (or a single Config.pm variable)
-w enable many useful warnings (RECOMMENDED)
-W enable all warnings
-X disable all warnings
-x[directory] strip off text before #!perl line and perhaps cd to directory
Posted by Unknown at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: Perl
Posted by Unknown at 11:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: Perl
若要启动P e r l调试程序,必须打开操作系统的命令提示符。如果你是D O S和Wi n d o w s用户,那么要打开M S - D O S的标准提示符C : \。如果是U N I X用户,这个提示符应该是你登录时显示的提示符(通常是%或$)。对于运行P e r l的M a c i n t o s h用户来说,只需从S c r i p t菜单中选定D e b u g g e r。这时就会为你打开带有提示符的D e b u g g e r窗口。
若要在提示符处启动调试程序(本例中使用D O S提示符),请键入下面这行命令:
> perl -d XPath.pl stocks.xml
P e r l的- d开关可使P e r l以调试方式启动运行。命令行上也指明了被调试的程序。然后显示关于版本信息的某些消息,如下所示:
Loading DB routines from perl5db.pl version 1.22
Editor support available.
Enter h or `h h' for help, or `perldoc perldebug' for more help.
main::(XPath.pl:5): my $filename = shift;
该调试程序首先显示版本号( 1 . 0 4 0 1,你的版本号可能不一样)和help (帮助)提示。接着显示该程序的第一行可执行代码。说明它们来自什么文件(XPath.pl),以及它们是在文件的哪一行或哪几行上找到的(第5行)。
最后,你看到调试文件的提示符D B < 1 >。这里面的数字显示你执行了多少命令。一个类似 csh 的历史机制可以让你通过数字访问前面的命令。比如 17 将重复命令数为 17 的命令。尖括号的数目表示调试器的深度。比如,如果你已经在一个断点了,然后又打印一个函数调用的结果,而且那个函数里面也有一个断点,那么你就会看到多于一对尖括号。调试程序提示符后面的光标正等待你输入命令。
这时,你的P e r l程序实际上暂停在第一个指令-my $filename的前面。每当调试程序向你显示程序中的一个语句时,它就是准备要执行的语句,而不是上一个运行的语句。
Posted by Unknown at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Perl
这条命令继续执行,可以在声明的 LINE 处插入一个一次性的断点。
Posted by Unknown at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: Perl
Perl 操作xml
Posted by Unknown at 11:21 AM 0 comments