2002年6月,OMA(Open Mobile Alliance,移动开放联盟)在Open Mobile Architecture initiative和WAP Forum的基础上组建成立。到目前为止,已经有200多家世界领先的移动运营商、生产厂商和服务提供商加入。而且下面6家知名的组织已经被合并到OMA:
Ø Location Interoperability Forum (LIF)
Ø SyncML Initiative
Ø Multimedia Messaging Interoperability Process (MMSIOP)
Ø Wireless Village
Ø Mobile Gaming Interoperability Forum (MGIF)
Ø Mobile Wireless Internet Forum (MWIF)
1) Deliver high quality, open technical specifications based upon market requirements that drive modularity, extensibility, and consistency amongst enablers to reduce industry implementation efforts.
2) Ensure OMA service enabler specifications provide interoperability across different devices, geographies, service providers, operators, and networks; facilitate interoperability of the resulting product implementations.
3) Be the catalyst for the consolidation of standards activity within the mobile data service industry; working in conjunction with other existing standards organizations and industry fora to improve interoperability and decrease operational costs for all involved.
4) Provide value and benefits to members in OMA from all parts of the value chain including content and service providers, information technology providers, mobile operators and wireless vendors such that they elect to actively participate in the organization.
图表 1 OMA组织结构
在这里我只说一下DM(Device Management)和DS(Device Synchronization)的工作范围。DM和DS最初本来是作为一个工作组(DSDM)在OMA开展工作,后来由于在DM方面不断出现新的内容,OMA将这个领域的工作分为这两个工作组。
1) 设备管理的协议和机制 (Protocols and mechanisms for management of devices)
2) 设备初始化配置参数的设置 (Setting of initial configuration data in devices)
3) 设备静态存储参数的更新 (Updates of persistent data in devices)
4) 从设备中获得管理数据 (Retrieval of management data from devices)
5) 处理设备产生的事件和警报 (Processing events and alarms generated by devices)
1) 数据同步规范(Specifications for data synchronization)
2) 开发相似于SyncML技术的规范,但是并不受限制于SyncML (Develop similar specifications, including but not limited to SyncML technology)
3) Conformance specifications and a set of best practices